Women’s Missionary UnionThe ladies of Germantown Baptist Chapel’s Women’s Missionary Union meet on the second Tuesday of each month to plan the activities of the church and discuss ways to serve God by planning mission projects to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus to help others in our community and around the world. Some of the projects we have undertaken are sewing bibs and wheelchair/walker bags for the local nursing home and beginning the “Mile of Quarters for Missions” program. Money collected from this project has helped meet the needs of families locally, donated to the international “Feed the Children” program, and supplied an international missionary with a water purifier to help people in an area with unsafe drinking water, just to name a few. These industrious ladies plan the church’s annual Vacation Bible School, church picnic, soup luncheon, Thanksgiving dinner, progressive dinner and the Valentine’s Day night out. Any of the other programs or activities that take place during the year usually start as an idea of a WMU lady! Their meetings are as much fun as they are productive…and there’s always room at the table for one more! For more information, you can contact Judi Sims at walkamile@frontier.com
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